Technology portfolio - On-Site Chlorine Generation
On-site chlorine generation provides a safe, economical and effective solution for the treatment of water in both urban and rural Africa.
Generating on-site chorine allows you to generate specific controlled quantities as and when you require while ensuring the safety of your personnel and the surrounding community, without the transportation of hazardous chemicals. The dangers of transporting highly poisonous gas on national roads, towns and cities and subsequently storing the same at various water- and sewage plants was deemed an ideal reason to convince managers of water service institutes and government departments to support the principle of on-site chlorine production.
On-site chlorine generation has numerous advantages over the traditional off-site chlorine production, transport and storage in terms of cost, safety, on-site availability and flexibility.

In perceiving the most important market for its products to be underdeveloped nations around the world, an unparalleled design was developed that does not rely on mechanically driven equipment and so reduces maintenance and downtime.
Having experience of electrolyser design in numerous chlor-alkali plants throughout the world, a unique design was developed to provide unmatched electrical and fluid flow efficiency.
Another development that is unique to Chlorgen lies in its ability to offer chlorine production equipment that can produce chlorine gas, caustic soda lye and sodium hypochlorite simultaneously.
A widely used co-product of chlorine production is caustic soda (hence the phrase chlor-alkali), with the caustic soda lye produced by membrane cells being particularly valuable because of its high purity.